Comprehensive GCxGC System

Comprehensive GC-MS (GCxGC-MS) System is a powerful technique that provides two-dimensional chromatography data acquisition capability.

Shimadzu’s Comprehensive GC-MS (GCxGC-MS) System is suited for a variety of applications, including analysis of complex matrices such as a natural products that are hard analyze by conventional GC or GC-MS, and grouping analysis based on two-dimensional chromatograph patterns.

Application Examples:
Food, Flavor & Fragrance, Environment, Petrochemical etc,

Separation of Overlapping Peaks

Peaks with similar boiling points that could not be separated adequately with one-dimensional chromatography can now be separated based on differences in polarity. This allows analysis of components that previously were difficult to separate in samples with complex matrices.

Image Patterns Show Compound Structure
Image Patterns Show Compound StructureGCxGC provides image patterns that can be correlated to compound structure; this capability is especially useful for grouping analysis of mixtures containing many components.

Analysis of Diesel Oil
The image shows patterns that indicate the number of benzene rings and number of carbons.

Comprehensive chromatography will be contains enormous peaks. To certainly detect these peaks, UFMS (Ultra Fast Mass Spectrometry) must be need. Shimadzu's UFMS technologies, which minimize sensitivity losses even at faster scan speeds, can detect these peaks.

Data Analysis Software, ChromSquare

A 2D map, chromatogram view, mass spectrum, and spot information can be displayed in the same window.
In addition to being able to directly import data from GCMSsolution,ChromSquare can also use GCMSsolution mass spectra search technology.


ChromSquare is a product of Chromaleont srl in Italy. 

GCxGC Handbook Fundamental Principles of Comprehensive 2D GC
GCxGC Handbook Application Compendium of Comprehensive 2D GC Vol.1-5

Hotline0902 550 957
TRỤ SỞ TẠI TP. HỒ CHÍ MINH: 6A-6B Nguyễn Cảnh Chân, Quận 1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
VPĐD TẠI TP. HÀ NỘI: 12-14 Cửa Nam, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, TP. Hà Nội

5D Ultra-e

5D Ultra-e

LC-GCxGC-MS/MS system
The 5D Ultra-e (LC-GCxGC-MS/MS system) is a unique system that combines a comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatograph and triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with an HPLC system connected online. This system is the only one of its kind in the world. The online HPLC system enhances the power of comprehensive GCxGC analysis and simultaneously improves productivity by increasing automation. Furthermore, GCxGC system combined with an ultra fast triple quadrupole mass spectrometer allows both untargeted analysis as well as targeted analysis of components in complex samples. Consequently, the five dimensions provided by the LC + GCxGC + MS/MS system opens the road to analysis with even higher separation and higher selectivity.

* This LC-GCxGC-MS/MS system was developed by the group led by Prof. Dr. Luigi Mondello at the University of Messina and Chromaleont S. r. l. in Italy and developed into a product by Shimadzu Corporation.

Introducing the Next Advancement in Comprehensive Chromatography

Consolidation of Technology for Maximizing the Capacity of Comprehensive 2D GC-MS
GCxGC is often used for comprehensive sample measurements because of its superior separation capabilities. Nevertheless, GCxGC can be inadequate for extremely complex samples. Adding an LC unit, which involves a different separation mode, in front of the GCxGC unit allows more detailed GCxGC separation.

Highly Selective MS/MS Detection
This GCxGC system combined with an ultra fast triple quadrupole mass spectrometer unit allows both untargeted scan mode analysis and targeted MRM (multiple reaction monitoring) mode measurements.

The System

The system includes HPLC (Prominence) units, LC-GC transfer unit (AOC-5000 Plus and OPTIC-4PTV), GCxGC unit (GC-2010 Plus and ZX-2), and a MS/MS (GCMS-TQ8040). After the sample is injected into the Prominence HPLC, it is separated by normal-phase chromatography. Then the AOC-5000 Plus injects only the target fraction into the OPTIC-4 GC inlet. After separating the fraction in the GCxGC with a double-oven and ZX-2 thermal modulator, it is detected in the GCMS-TQ8040. This entire series of analytical steps can be executed entirely from the 5D Solution integrated software, which means the resulting data can be analyzed using ChromSquare 2D chromatography data analysis software.

*1: The OPTIC-4PTV is a product of GL Sciences B.V.
*2: The ZX-2 is a product of Zoex Corporation in the United States.


5D Solution Integrated Software

Dedicated software is used to control each unit of the LC-GCxGC-MS/MS system. However, 5D Solution collectively manages all of these control software programs, so that analysis can be started with a single click. Furthermore, continuous analysis of multiple samples can be performed.
The included linear velocity calculation software allows the user to view the calculated linear velocity values of the first and second columns while the optimal column inlet pressures are being specified, which provides powerful assistance for determining analytical conditions for comprehensive 2D-GC analysis.

Data Analysis Software for Comprehensive GC ChromSquare

ChromSquareChromSquare 2D-GC data analysis software converts data obtained from the LC-GCxGC-MS/MS system to contour data (2D map). Chromatogram peaks appear as spots on the contour lines. These spots are used for qualitative and quantitative analysis. ChromSquare is able to display a summary of the corresponding second-dimensional chromatogram, mass spectrum, and analytical data together with 2D maps, which makes it easy to perform data analysis.

Hotline0902 550 957
TRỤ SỞ TẠI TP. HỒ CHÍ MINH: 6A-6B Nguyễn Cảnh Chân, Quận 1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
VPĐD TẠI TP. HÀ NỘI: 12-14 Cửa Nam, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, TP. Hà Nội

On-Column Derivatization GC-MS System

On-Column Derivatization GC-MS System

There's been a surge of public interests in social problem on abused drugs such as methamphetamine and MDMA. In case such amine stimulants are analyzed using urine sample, the derivatization by using trifluoroacetic acetyl is normally processed before GC/MS analysis. However, this derivatization method requires time and effort. The combined system with the newly-developed AOC-20i/s 2-step autoinjector and GCMS-QP2010 Series can offer automatic derivatization of amine stimulants. This method enables researchers to analyze multi-analyte samples within short analysis cycle.

Operation Procedure:How On-Column Derivatization Works with a Two-Step Auto Injector

The sample to be analyzed is automatically derivatized using the following procedure.
The MBTFA (N-Methylbis-trifluoroacetamide) derivatizating agent and sample solution to be analyzed are taken up into the syringe.
The sample is injected, vaporized in the injection port and introduced onto the head of the capillary column.
After the components to be analyzed are introduced into the capillary column, the MBTFA
derivatizating agent is injected.
The components to be analyzed are derivatized in the capillary column, and the derivatives undergo GC/MS analysis.

Application Example:Analysis of Urine Sample by On-Column Derivatization GC-MS
The test sample was obtained by treating a urine sample as shown in the figure below. TFA derivatives of methamphetamine (MA) and its metabolite amphetamine (AP) were detected from urine sample #1. With urine sample #2, MDMA and TFA derivatives of its metabolites MDA and HMMA, as well as TFA derivatives of trace amounts of methamphetamine and amphetamine, were detected. By using this technique, the process of derivatization has been simplified and analysis efficiency improved; moreover, amphetamine and methamphetamine and its analog components can be detected at very high sensitivity.

Hotline0902 550 957
TRỤ SỞ TẠI TP. HỒ CHÍ MINH: 6A-6B Nguyễn Cảnh Chân, Quận 1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
VPĐD TẠI TP. HÀ NỘI: 12-14 Cửa Nam, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, TP. Hà Nội



Pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry

A versatile tool for the analysis of polymers, insoluble samples and a broad range of compounds, which cannot be introduced into GC directly.

Pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GCMS) can be used to characterize most materials including insoluble and complex materials at trace levels often without any sample pretreatment e.g. polymers, plastics, rubber, paints, dyes, resins, coatings, cellulose, wood, textiles, oils etc.
Due to the direct sample introduction and the chromatographic separation, it is possible not only to analyze very small amounts but also to obtain detailed, unique information, which is unobtainable by other analytical techniques.

The Multi-Shot Pyrolyzer EGA/PY 3030D with its vertical micro furnace is the top-class model in the series of multi-function pyrolyzers developed by Frontier Laboratories Ltd.

Material characterization using multiple analytical methods

For characterization of very complex and challenging samples four powerful analytical techniques are available:

Evolved gas analysis (EGA-MS)
For EGA analysis a short and narrow (2.5 m, 0.15 mm i.d.) deactivated capillary tube without a stationary phase is used as direct connection between GC-injector and mass-detector. As the sample is temperature programmed over a given temperature range (i.e. 40 - 800 °C) , the evolved gases flow to the detector without chromatographic separation. The result shows the simple thermogram such as a differential thermogravimetric curve for a given sample.

Single-shot analysis (Py-GCMS)
The sample cup free-falls into the preheated pyrolyzer furnace. The sample temperature goes from ambient to the pyrolysis temperature in less than 20 msec. Pyrolysis occurs instantly and the pyrolyzates are introduced into a capillary column for separation without second reaction.

Double-Shot analysis (TD/Py-GCMS)
Double Shot analysis provides both: information about volatile compounds e.g. monomers or additives and the polymeric content of the sample. Therefore the sample analysis is divided into two steps:

Step 1: during the thermal desorption step the sample is heated over a temperature range and the volatile compounds evolve from the sample. The evaporated compounds are trapped at the beginning of the GC column and analyzed via GCMS after the temperature program of the pyrolyzer is finished.

Step 2: the residual sample is pyrolyzed at a temperature determined by EGA data. The program facilitates the identification of the polymeric composition of the sample.

Heart-cut analysis (Heart-cut EGA-GCMS)
In cases where highly complex samples demand a detailed analysis, Heart-cut EGA-GCMS is the most useful technique to determine the composition of the sample. In this technique, the evolved gas analysis (EGA) is used to obtain a thermogram and each temperature zone of interest can be analyzed separately. By heart cutting components evaporated in this interesting temperature zones are selectively introduced to a GC column, temporarily trapped at the beginning of the column and finally analyzed by GCMS. This technique allows a detailed characterization of a polymer as well as target compound analysis in complex matrix, e.g. additive analysis in mineral oil.

Features of the Multi-Shot Pyrolyzer EGA/PY-3030D

- Rapid heating (600 °C/min) and cooling (100 °C/min)
- High temperature pyrolysis up to 1050 °C
- Superior performance due to exact temperature control, inert sample pathway, no dead volumes, no cold spots
- Dedicated samplers for sample introduction e.g. Micro Reaction Sampler, UV Sampler
- Special F-Search SW and various libraries (Additive-, Pyrogram-, Pyrolyzate-, EGA-Library)
- Valuable accessories:

Auto-Shot sampler (capacity: 48 sample cups)
Cryo Trap (Micro Jet Cryo Trap), Vent-free GCMS adaptor
Carrier Gas Selector (for pyrolysis under air atmosphere)
High temperature capillary columns (Ultra Alloy)

Hotline0902 550 957
TRỤ SỞ TẠI TP. HỒ CHÍ MINH: 6A-6B Nguyễn Cảnh Chân, Quận 1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
VPĐD TẠI TP. HÀ NỘI: 12-14 Cửa Nam, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, TP. Hà Nội

Purge and trap analysis system

Purge & Trap analysis system

Purge and trap analysis system (volatile organic compounds in water)

GCMS-QP2020/QP2010 Series, Purge&Trap System VOCs(volatile organic compounds) in water Odors in water
This system analyzes volatile organic compounds in water. Water samples are purged with purge gas to drive out VOCs or odors. The components driven out are temporarily trapped in adsorbent, desorbed by heating, and transfered to GC/MS.

VOCs(volatile organic compounds) in water Odors in water

Please contact us to check the availability of these products in your country.

Related Application
Analysis of Leachate from Water Supply Equipment Using Purge and Trap GC/MS

Hotline0902 550 957
TRỤ SỞ TẠI TP. HỒ CHÍ MINH: 6A-6B Nguyễn Cảnh Chân, Quận 1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
VPĐD TẠI TP. HÀ NỘI: 12-14 Cửa Nam, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, TP. Hà Nội




Cleanup for Analysis of Residual Pesticides in Foods

To ensure the safety of the increasing number of imported food products, residue standards have been established in Japan for over 200 types of pesticides.
To allow efficiently inspecting for all these pesticides in foods, Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has developed a method for rapid analysis of residues in foods (multiresidue pesticide analysis method) that enables simultaneously analyzing multiple analytes (notified in 1997). This method uses a GPC cleanup method to partially automate the pretreatment process. Due to a partial revision of food standards in 1999, methods other than the test methods specified in the Food Sanitation Act may now be used.
Therefore, to further automate the process, Shimadzu now offers a Prep-Q system, which connects a GPC cleanup system to a GC-MS system online. This provides an even faster and labor-saving system for screening residual pesticides in foods.
Analysis Procedure
First, an extract containing pesticides is obtained from the food sample and concentrated.

1.         Use a GPC column to separate oil/fat and dye components from pesticide components based on differences in molecular weight.
2.         Use a flow line switching valve to reject oil/fat and dye components and trap pesticide components in the sample loop.
3.         Use the newly developed large-volume GC-MS injection method to inject the concentrated pesticide components trapped in the loop into the GC column.
4.         Use GC-MS to simultaneously analyze multiple pesticide components (screening analysis).

Applicable Substances
Chlorine-based pesticides, pyrethroids, organophosphorus pesticides, nitrogen-based pesticides, and carbamate pesticides contained in agricultural products* * Excluding leachates from tea


1.         Simultaneous screening analysis of multiple analytes is now possible using a compact GPC column and large-volume sample injection into a GC-MS system.**
2.         Connecting GPC-GCMS online cuts the analysis time in half.***
3.         Downsizing the GPC column reduces solvent consumption dramatically to 1/200 of the normal level.****
4.         Automation reduces manual operations and operator variability.

**        Jointly developed based on the concept and direction from the Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health
***        Analysis time per sample is about 80 minutes (30 min for extraction, 10 min for GPC sample preparation and GC automatic concentration and injection, and 40 min for GCMS measurement). 
****       About 1 mL of solvent is required per sample for GPC cleanup.

Prep-Q Method Requires Even Less Time Than the "Multiresidue Pesticide Analysis Method"

Examples of Mass Chromatograms and Mass Spectra of Pesticides in Potato Extract

Related System

Pesticide Residue GPC Cleanup System This GPC cleanup system is the GPC pretreatment portion of the method shown above. These pesticide fractions are used as samples for measurement by GCMS or GC.

Hotline0902 550 957
TRỤ SỞ TẠI TP. HỒ CHÍ MINH: 6A-6B Nguyễn Cảnh Chân, Quận 1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
VPĐD TẠI TP. HÀ NỘI: 12-14 Cửa Nam, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, TP. Hà Nội

Off-Flavor Analyzer

GC/MS Off-Flavor Analyzer

Off-Flavor Analyzer

Analytical System for Reliably Identifying Odor-Causing Substances

Solving odor problems requires identifying the substances causing the odor. However, accurate identification requires relevant knowledge, such as knowing which types of compounds can cause odors, the odor quality, and threshold levels for sensing odors. This system combines a database of the major odor-causing substances and associated sensory information (odor characteristics and threshold levels for sensing odors) with a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GC-MS).
It provides a total solution necessary for analyzing odors.


1. Database of Expert Information for Odor Analysis

All odor-causing substances identified from previous problems are registered.
Accurate identification and easy quantitation are possible even without standard samples.
Substances causing odors can be identified based on odor characteristics and odor threshold values.

2. Analytical System for Reliably Identifying Odor-Causing Substances

Three different types of columns can be selected for detecting a wide variety of components with high sensitivity.
MRM and SIM analysis can detect odor threshold concentration levels.
Odors can be confirmed efficiently using the predicted retention time display function.

3. Application Solution-besed System

An optimal system, including pretreatment unit, can be configured.

Hotline0902 550 957
TRỤ SỞ TẠI TP. HỒ CHÍ MINH: 6A-6B Nguyễn Cảnh Chân, Quận 1, TP Hồ Chí Minh
VPĐD TẠI TP. HÀ NỘI: 12-14 Cửa Nam, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, TP. Hà Nội